Implementing a Spliterator for a JDBC ResultSet

Java 1.8 comes with the Streams API, which is a great feature for writing readable code. I recently needed to stream over a JDBC ResultSet, which requires a custom Spliterator.

According to the Java documentation a Spliterator is:

An object for traversing and partitioning elements of a source. The source of elements covered by a Spliterator could be, for example, an array, a Collection, an IO channel, or a generator function.


The easiest way of implementing a custom Spliterator is to derive from an AbstractSpliterator, which already implements most of the Spliterator interface. The intent of the ResultSetSpliterator<TEntity> iterator is to iterate over a given ResultSet and map the current result to an Entity with a SqlMapper.

// Copyright (c) Philipp Wagner. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

package de.bytefish.sqlmapper.iterator;

import de.bytefish.sqlmapper.SqlMapper;
import de.bytefish.sqlmapper.result.SqlMappingResult;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.Spliterators;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

public class ResultSetSpliterator<TEntity> extends Spliterators.AbstractSpliterator<SqlMappingResult<TEntity>> {

    private final ResultSet resultSet;
    private final SqlMapper<TEntity> sqlMapper;

    public ResultSetSpliterator(final SqlMapper<TEntity> sqlMapper, final ResultSet resultSet) {

        this.sqlMapper = sqlMapper;
        this.resultSet = resultSet;

    public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super SqlMappingResult<TEntity>> action) {
        if (next()) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    private boolean next() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

Using the ResultSetSpliterator

The StreamSupport class provides low-level utility methods for creating and manipulating streams. The method makes it possible to create a new sequential or parallel Stream from a Spliterator.

In the example I am also creating the SqlMapper, which is not in the scope of this article, but it gives you a hint how to create the stream.

public void testToEntityStream() throws Exception {
    // Number of persons to insert:
    int numPersons = 10000;
    // Insert the given number of persons:
    // Get all row of the Table:
    ResultSet resultSet = selectAll();
    // Create a SqlMapper, which maps between a ResultSet row and a Person entity:
    SqlMapper<Person> sqlMapper = new SqlMapper<>(() -> new Person(), new PersonMap());
    // Create the Stream using the StreamSupport class:
    Stream<SqlMappingResult<Person>> stream = ResultSetSpliterator<>(sqlMapper, resultSet), false);
    // Collect the Results as a List:
    List<SqlMappingResult<Person>> result = stream.collect(Collectors.toList());
    // Assert the results:
    Assert.assertEquals(numPersons, result.size());